Meet CDA Alina Gomez ’14

Hello! My name is Alina Gomez and I am working with the Center for Career Development this 2013-2014 school year.  I am a senior Anthropology major with a Concentration in Ethnic Studies from Miami, Florida.  I am involved on campus in Connor Eating House, the Center for Teaching and Learning as a Spanish tutor, and Catholic Campus Ministry as a lector and active member.  I am thrilled to work with students who are searching for jobs and internships as well as exploring options about graduate and professional school this year!

As someone who is currently preparing for the law school admissions process, I cannot wait until the Greater Charlotte Law School Fair hosted by Davidson on November 5!  It will be a great tool for anyone considering law school as a post-graduate option to have conversations with admissions officers and other representatives from great law schools all across the country.  So many law schools, so little time…

This summer, I obtained an internship with a judge in Juvenile Dependency Court in Miami, Florida and it was an incredible experience.  I had the opportunity to sit in court with her on a regular basis and she kept me very busy drafting motions and orders for many of her cases.  It was rewarding to see that what I wrote was actually distributed to other attorneys in court and used as formal documentation.

Finally, I had a short shadowing experience with a family law attorney through which I was able to see some mediations and divorces as well as cases that intertwined family law with immigration law and many other fields.  I ended my summer with a short trip to Quebec with my family.  It is always great to see new places and experience new things!

If you ever need to get in touch with me or have questions about a CCD program, send me an e-mail at Looking forward to hearing from you!

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