The Bain Community: “A Bainie never lets another Bainie Fail”

DSC_0884Walking into the Bain & Company Information Session, I knew only two important things about the company. I knew that Bain & Company is a Global Management Consulting Firm, and I knew that for a reason unbeknownst to me Davidson students seem to get very excited about this particular job posting each year. As a student who knew very little about the consulting industry, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect from the presentation other than basic information about how the company functions, and how to apply. And while the representatives did share that important information with attendees, the element of Bain & Company that truly shown through was their deep sense of commitment to community.

The presentation began with a brief run-down of what it is exactly that Bain & Company does. Bain helps CEOs and companies address their most important questions with the primary focus being on results. So, when a company wants to know how it could position itself to be more successful with mobile customers, they call Bain to get an answer. According to the statistics, their clients out-perform the market 4:1 and their return customer rate of 85% is a testament to their success as a company. Then the presentation moved to what one would expect to be doing as an Associate Consultant. The representatives were sure to emphasize that while there is no “typical” Bain experience, an employee can expect to gain case experience, meet with clients, work as part of a team to solve difficult problems, and undergo several rounds of training. However, the final part of the presentation, “Why Choose Bain,” put the rest of the event into context.

In this portion of the presentation two important themes seemed to emerge. Bain & DSC_0882Company is a community dedicated to the personal and professional development of each of their employees. The representatives mentioned the Aprenticeship Learning Model where new employees are taught all the basics of finance and how to think about strategy. When Bain employees want to go to school to get their MBAs, the organization is supportive and in some cases will even pay the tuition and fees. And office events like the holiday party or the Bain World Cup (where offices from around the world compete in a soccer tournament) build a community within the office dedicated to seeing everyone succeed. Not to mention their emphasis on the bettering of the global community through their commitment to education and global development. Not only will employees have an impact on 95% of the world’s GDP, but they will also take time out of their work week to volunteer with community service organizations in order to improve our global community. What became clear in the room that night was that “a Bainie never lets another Bainie fail,” and perhaps this commitment to community and service is what draws Davidson students to Bain & Company.

If you are interested in Bain, the application deadline is Wednesday, 9/17 at 11:59pm.  View the full job description on WildcatLink.

It’s Easy to Meet Recruiters at Information Sessions

By Damian White, Career Services Ambassador

After attending a Red Ventures information session a few weeks ago, I recognized the importance of having face-to-face interactions with potential employers. The brief, yet thorough, presentation left students excited about the company, and several great questions were asked during the Q & A period. The representatives from Red Ventures were willing to chat before and after the sessions, which showed me that they were truly interested in Davidson students. Additionally, they were very willing to exchange contact information. This information session energized me, and left me wanting to attend other information sessions.

Information sessions are helpful as they provide an invaluable opportunity to network with potential employers. They are also a chance to meet recruiters and leave an impression that might be the “difference maker” when employers are sifting through piles of resumes. When you attend the information session, you are in a unique position to secure business cards or contact information from the recruiters, giving you that direct access to company or organizational representatives. Also, during information sessions, recruiters frequently give tips on what types of experiences to include in a resume or cover letter.

Information sessions are a chance for employers to present their company or organization to Davidson College students. Campus recruiters (often Davidson grads) generally have prepared short presentations highlighting key aspects of the company’s mission, values, goals, and culture. After the material is presented, the floor is opened for students to ask questions prior to the conclusion of the session. I would recommend that all students (especially juniors and seniors) attend as many sessions as possible. Key things to remember:

  1. Wear appropriate attire – usually business casual.
  2. Meet as many company representatives as possible – recruiters are eager to talk with students.
  3. Ask for business cards and contact information – you will want to follow up with recruiters you speak with after the session.
  4. It is not an interview! It is an opportunity to learn about potential employers and “network” with recruiters one-on-one.

Capitalize on Information Sessions

By Brennan McCormick, Career Services Ambassador

With recruitment season in full swing for seniors seeking employment, the Union is bustling with employer information sessions. Although these sessions may seem dull and daunting, if approached correctly, they can be an important step towards landing a job offer. Here are some tips on how to best take advantage of employer information sessions:

Bring Something To Write On.
It may seem obvious, but students often come to information sessions empty-handed. There are three things you should be taking down over the course of the session:

  1. The contact information of the presenters.
  2. The application process timeline, and
  3. Two or three things that you like about the employer.

The contact information will allow you to reach out to the employer personally and network before your application is considered. If you receive an interview, you will inevitably be asked why you want to work for the company. Jotting down notes on what you like about the company during the session will help you answer those questions.

Talk To The Representatives Of The Company.
Before and after the session, chances are that representatives of the employer will be around to answer questions and offer perspective on the job. Talk to them. You will not be the only person applying for the position and if the employer can put a face to your resume, there’s a much greater chance that it is considered. Make a special effort to talk to the recruiting director, as they will ultimately be screening your resume.

Follow Up With The People You Meet.
This is particularly important for positions with a lengthy interview process. There is no one better to give you perspective on what to expect and how to prepare than someone who has successfully navigated the application process in the past few years. Many will be willing to do a mock interview, or at least point you in the direction of resources they found helpful when they were preparing. You’ll never know what they have to offer if you don’t reach out.