Five Things To Do Now to Help Find Next Summer’s Research Opportunity

Finishing up your summer research and thinking about heading to campus this fall? It’s not too early to think about what you’ll be doing next year!

Many summer research opportunities are highly competitive and have early deadlines – some as early as the fall semester (especially those funded by the government, since background checks are involved).  Others have requirements that take time to prepare – such as written personal essays, a copy of your transcripts, and letters of recommendation written by faculty.  Research experiences may also require a CV (or vitae), which is a longer form of a resume, something many students are not familiar with and can get help with writing at the Center of Career Development, as well as with a trusted faculty member.

By early September it’s a good idea to make an appointment with the Center for Career Development to talk with a career advisor and make a plan for your search.  Following are five other tips to help you get started:

1.)  Update your resume, and prepare a CV. This is extremely important, since in most cases you will be required to submit either document for application. (The career advisors in the Center for Career Development can help with this.)

2.)  Begin in advance to review sites offering research opportunities – the earlier, the better.  This gives you more time to prepare. (Look at organizational sites, other college’s department sites, and national institutes, to get started.)

3.)  Utilize the information on research opportunities located on the website of the Center for Career Development.  There are listings of research opportunities listed in the Students section; these are kept updated.

4.)  Review the listings posted by the Biology Department on their website and which are announced in their weekly newsletter.

5.)  Check with faculty regarding research opportunities they are aware of, and let them know of your interests.  Many faculty stay connected with professors from other institutions who have received grants to conduct research in all areas of study, and who are seeking lab assistants.

It is wise to apply for more than one research opportunity, and to apply as you find them – the earlier, the better.  Keep in mind, too, that it takes time for faculty members to write letters of recommendation since they are probably writing letters for others at the same time.  Allow them a three-week period to do so, which means you will need to plan in advance.

In general, the fall semester is an overall good time to begin your search for research opportunities. A career advisor in the Center of Career Development can assist you with this process and help you with any questions you have.

Taking a Gap Year Before Med School & Information on Fellowships

Taking a Gap Year Before Med School
Thursday, February 21st
 – 7:00pm, 900 Room
Meet alumni to learn about their gap year experiences before med school and learn about fellowships available before and after graduation.

Davidson Alumni: 

Devin Haddad ’10, Caroline Ludwig ’12, Malcolm Moses-Hampton ’12

Fellowships and Scholarships: 
Dr. Ted Ogaldez, Director of Graduate Fellowships at Davidson College, and Dr. Scott Denham, Chair of the Graduate Fellowships Committee.

Alumni Bios: |
Devin Haddad ’10 – A Center major at Davidson, Mr. Haddad moved to Washington, DC after graduation to work for an immunology lab at the FDA for two years. He is now a medical student at the Wake Forest University School of Medicine.

Caroline Ludwig ’12 – A biology major and French minor, Ms. Ludwig is currently working at LifeStar Emergency Medical Services in Winston-Salem, NC, and volunteers at the Brenner Children’s Hospital.  She also teaches a dance exercise class at the local YMCA.  Ms. Ludwig plans to attend medical school next year.

Malcolm Moses-Hampton ‘12 – Mr. Moses-Hampton is currently a NSF Lab & Research Technician in Dr. Julio Ramirez’s Neuroscience Lab in the Davidson College Psychology Department.  As such, he manages and conducts grant projects with Dr. Ramirez. Mr. Moses-Hampton plans to attend medical school in 2014, eventually practicing as a neurosurgeon with specific application to traumatic brain injuries.


Research & Internship Opportunities in the Sciences

Includes: Neuropsychology, Psychology, Environmental Sciences, Mathematical Sciences, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Medicine, Public Health, Biochemistry, Engineering, and Computer Science

Undergraduate research opportunities offer you the chance to participate in exciting projects, working beside some of the most talented scientists in the field.  They also help you gain needed experience to get in to graduate school or to obtain the position you’re applying for after graduation.

Below are links to a wide range of scientific research opportunities. Some offer stipends, while others are unpaid.  Deadlines vary, but in general, the earlier you apply the better. You should also check with your professors when seeking research opportunities as many have openings available for Davidson students that are not advertised. Davidson professors will also know of colleagues looking for people to work in their labs.

Research Experiences for Undergraduates
This is the premier site for summer research positions in the sciences. REU sites are competitively selected by the National Science Foundation (NSF), so the positions tend to be of very high quality (and tend to pay well, also).

Grants and Research Opportunities on the Davidson College Biology site
List of opportunities listed on the Davidson College Biology Department website.  This is for all sciences, public health, etc.

American Psychological Association
Undergraduate research opportunities and internships in Neuroscience and Psychology.

RIT Co-op and Scientific Internship Listings
This list provides a wide range of short and long-term cooperative and internship listings in science and technology.

List of summer research/internship opportunities in the sciences
Provided by Grinnell College, but not affiliated with the college – open to students across the country, and in a variety of disciplines:  biologybiochemistrychemistrycomputer scienceengineeringenvironmental sciencemathematics,medicinephysics,

Biotech and Pharmaceutical
Biotechnology Industry Organization is a professional association designed to provide information and support for those in the biotechnology field.  Their website provides excellent information on specific fields, current research and career opportunities.

News and job opportunities for those interested in the biotech and pharmaceutical fields.

PhRMA’s mission is to conduct effective advocacy for public policies that encourage
discovery of important new medicines for patients by biopharmaceutical research companies. This webside provides a variety of resources on the field.

Environmental Studies
Environmental Studies: Greater Research Opportunities Undergraduate Fellowships
For undergraduate students in environmentally fields of  studies.

Environmental Science Institute
Funded by the National Science Foundation, this program is open to a national pool of undergraduate applicants and requires a ten-week commitment. Students create their own research project, participate in a research group, and present their work.

Mathematical Association of America
The MAA provides mathematicians with the best expository articles, engaging problems, and articles devoted to teaching collegiate mathematics. The MAA also provides research funding opportunities.

The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
International community of over 13,000 individual members. Almost 500 academic, manufacturing, research and development, service and consulting organizations, government, and military organizations worldwide are institutional members. The website has an excellent career-related section that lists internships and jobs within the field and provides career information and advice.

National Science Foundation
List of physics REU sites, both theoretical and experimental.

Public Health Opportunities
Johns Hopkins  – Funding/Internships Announcements
Compiled listing of public health related internships and research opportunities. Students do not need to be attending Johns Hopkins to apply.

The National Academies
The National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, Institute ofMedicine, and National Research Council are private, nonprofit institutions that provide expert advice on some of the most pressing challenges facing the nation and the world. for Science
Internships and fellowship opportunities in science.

Scientific-related opportunities compiled by Columbia University, Department ofBiological Studies
Biology, Biomedical, Minority, Ecology and Environmental Studies, Marine Biology Research Opportunities, Fellowships, Internships and Summer Courses. Programs are located in all geographic areas of the country.

Summer Undergraduate Research Program: Boston University
Ten-week undergraduate program for students interested in pursuing a career as a research scientist. Students are chosen from a national pool.

Summer Health-Related Internships and Opportunities for 2012

There are many summer internship opportunities in health related fields. Most programs have application deadlines in January, February and March.

Opportunities are available in the following areas:
Research | Clinical | Public Health | Dental Medicine | Veterinary | International Opportunities | For Disadvantaged/Underrepresented Minority Students

These links are provided for your convenience and do not represent an endorsement by the Davidson College Office of Career Services, or Swarthmore College.  Click on the link of the areas you are interested in to find out about details, deadlines and requirements.  Start now to look for summer internships as positions will be competitive.

Summer Internships in Medical and Scientific Research

Interested in medical or science related internships for summer 2012? Compilations of internship sites can often be found online through colleges and universities throughout the United States.  Click this link to find a list of sites that have been compiled through Columbia University in the following areas:

  • biology
  • biomedical lab research
  • ecology and environmental research
  • marine biology – internships and courses
  • “other areas of biology” – primate behavior,  opportunities at the Smithsonian, computational and systems biology, etc.
  • programs for minority and “disadvantaged” students
  • summer courses
  • internships in the New York area

Please note that not all sites have been updated yet for the 2012 year, so keep an eye out for updates as the year continues.

It is recommended that you start searching now, as some of these application processes take a while to complete.  Many require pulling together your transcripts, letters of references, writing a personal essay, etc., and are competitive.  Good luck!