My DIF Experience with Winship Cancer Institute

By Claire Sibold ’20

I can’t believe I’ve been working in this role for almost five months now. When I started working at Winship Cancer Institute back in August, everything felt so foreign; it was hard to believe that I would be overseeing an ethics research project for a full year, writing papers that would be submitted for publication, and collaborating with such impressive people at Winship. Five months later, I still find myself in awe that I’m lucky enough to have had these unique experiences become familiar and part of my everyday routine. As I reflect on my time thus far, one theme that has emerged as central to all of the interesting projects we’ve worked on, which is the multiple layers and voices that work together to achieve one overarching goal: improving the patient experience.

This theme became apparent based on how many Oncologists, nurses, and other healthcare providers cared about our ethics projects. It’s been an amazing opportunity to work with healthcare professionals in such a collaborative manner and to see how engaged they are in our ethics projects, hoping to contribute in any way to improving the patient experience. It’s encouraging to see the value that’s placed on the patient voice at all levels of care at Winship–a philosophy I will strive to embody as I work towards becoming a physician. I’m so grateful for the time remaining in the fellowship to continue these meaningful and eye-opening collaborations.

Additionally, I have also been amazed at patient willingness to participant in ethics studies that may help a patient have a better experience in the future. As my main project, I’ve been interviewing patients enrolled on clinical trials for treatments that have never been tested in humans before. We are interviewing patients to get their input on how to structure these informed consent forms so the information is accessible and understandable for the patients as they consider enrolling in the trials. I have loved being a part of this project because I feel it represents Winship’s commitment to quality patient care: that it starts with informed consent, even before the patient has started treatment. This has made me aware of just how multi-layered and collaborative healthcare improvements are. I continue to be inspired by such encounters, and look forward to continuing to engage with patients and providers as we all strive to improve their cancer care from different angles.

Working Together… Apart

By Emma Blake ’20

In the past several months, I’ve done a lot in my Impact Fellow Role at MAHEC. I’ve helped give presentations to doctors about novel treatment options. I’ve written and prepared an article for publication in a major journal. I’ve familiarized myself with the complexities of maternal healthcare and treatments for substance use disorders. And I’ve done most of these things from home.

Working from home has come with a unique set of benefits and disadvantages. On the positive side, I’ve had more control over when to do my work, and I’ve been able to avoid many of the small frustrations of office life like a morning commute or someone microwaving fish in the break room. On the negative side though, working from home often leaves me feeling disconnected from the work I’m doing, my coworkers, and the community that my work is supposed to support. Zoom meetings are fine for updating the research team on the latest developments, but they can’t replace the small daily interactions between team members that build up our sense of communal support and camaraderie.

What I think I’m missing most is a feeling of community and shared purpose. At Davidson, most of my work was grounded in the community and the feeling that other students and professors had my back. Working from home has led to me only knowing my coworkers as coworkers, not as people with unique stories, interests, and personalities. Even though we’re all working towards the same goal, we’re doing so separately and individually. It’s been a jarring feeling and a challenging adjustment.

The major exception to this feeling is when I go into the maternal healthcare clinic on Thursdays. On those days, I get to interact with patients and talk to my coworkers face-to-face. It’s such a different feeling from a digital meeting. When I work with the patients, I’m reminded that my work is really helping people and making a difference in my newly adopted community of Asheville. I became interested in healthcare generally and the Davidson Impact Fellowship at MAHEC specifically because I wanted to help people and create positive change in my community. Working from home has left me feeling disconnected from that purpose, but my time in the clinic constantly reminds me that my work has value and is serving to benefit people in need. I can’t wait until I can go back to the office, engage with my coworkers in a supportive community, and feel that shared sense of purpose every day.

A Summer of Learning About Myself and My Future Impact on Our Healthcare System

By Valeria Donoso ’22

As I grew up around a family of immigrants, I saw constant struggle and strength but also perseverance. It is very important to me that the work I commit to is surrounded around improving the lives of those like my families. Throughout the year, I volunteer at the Ada Jenkin’s Free Clinic as a Spanish translator. While volunteering, I see my family’s struggle and resilience in the marginalized groups we serve. After my exposure to inequitable healthcare, I have become determined to serve as a physician that will be an ally to those who have gone through, or are going through, the same struggles my family once did. 

Continuing these goals, this summer I was an unpaid intern for the Tight-Lipped Podcast, a storytelling podcast, and movement-building project about chronic gynecological conditions. I spent the summer examining how systemic sexism, the lack of research funding, and social pressures barre the diagnosis of these conditions. I assisted with the podcast by conducting background research about historical healthcare policies and transcribed interviews. I developed marketing strategies to build our audience, specifically the Latinx community by translating the website and helped develop a resource list in Spanish. I also worked on their social media platform and outreach.  

While interning at Tight-Lipped, I have learned a lot about the history of medical discrimination within race and gender and its presence in today’s healthcare system. As the uprising of Black Lives Matter protests and anti-racist learnings began in the summer, I saw it as our responsibility, as an all-white-passing team, to make efforts to educate and provide resources for our audience about the history of racism in gynecology and its presence in healthcare today by uplifting the Black voices and creatives that have been doing this work. I curated Instagram posts dedicated to the dark history of gynecologists using black female slaves to pioneer procedures without consent and while not using any anesthesia based on articles and books about this. I also worked with my team to highlight how this history translates into America’s large Black maternal mortality rate and the reluctance from medical professionals to believe Black female patient’s pain.  

Although I dedicated lots of time to educating our audience, I also dedicated a lot of time to learning and unlearning things around the healthcare system and race. I attended lectures, listened to podcasts, and read articles to learn more about how I can help better the current health care systems in place. I specifically listened to the NATAL podcast and read Inaugural Edition of The Sankofa Journal from Davidson College.  

I have also learned about knowledge biases in clinical research. As I investigated the history of research for chronic conditions in gynecology, I noticed many flaws in the research funding system that barres the dedication for funding for this type of research. Funding for gynecology and obstetrics must be shared with the pediatrics department even if they do not have any overlap. I also noticed that there was a lack of research to solve chronic pain conditions in females and I believe this is due to societies history of ignoring women’s suffering and pain. After learning how little is being done to solve these conditions, I have begun to aspire to contribute to this type of research in the future. 

I not only learned a lot more about medical and knowledge biases, but I also learned a lot about my future aspirations. As I mentioned previously, this learning opportunity was unpaid, and I had to search for outside funding to be able to commit to this internship. I was able to commit to this internship with the support of funding from the Emerging Professionals Grant that I accessed through the Center for Career Development. With this grant funding, I was able to fund necessities that piled up and were out of reach without proper funding. If it weren’t for this grant I would have been forced to have picked-up unsafe jobs in my community that would risk the health of myself and my family or drop this amazing internship completely to work full-time in a job that would not enrich my learning or provide safe social distancing during this pandemic. By being able to commit to this internship with grant funding, I learned so much about myself and how I can further impact our healthcare system.  

My Summer Research Experience

By Charlie Walsh ’22

This summer, I have been working remotely as a research assistant for Huron Gastroenterology Associates located in Ypsilanti, Michigan. So far, I’ve been extremely fortunate to get one paper and one abstract published.

The paper focuses on Telehealth, which can be defined as the use of telecommunication modalities, such as telephone and real-time video, to connect patients with clinicians for the purpose of providing healthcare. As of right now, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) increased funding for reimbursement of telehealth communication in clinical visits but only until the end of the COVID-19 pandemic. With this study, we hope to persuade CMS to continue funding these patient encounters beyond the pandemic due to the high levels of patient and provider satisfaction, ease of access to medical care and the positive economic impact of this system.

The abstract examines the extensive costs of mandatory pre-procedural COVID-19 testing prior to procedures in order to determine whether or not the current system is economically and practically beneficial for gastroenterology clinics and their patients around the United States. Along with the publication, I have recently been selected to present this research at the American College of Gastroenterology’s annual meeting in October.

Receiving the Juliana Tazewell Porter grant allowed me to focus on my research full-time and has given me experiences that wouldn’t be possible without it. I believe the projects I am involved in have been extremely educational in learning the process of conducting clinical research, as well as offering valuable experience before I apply to medical school.  Although the in-person limitations of the current pandemic have hindered the efficiency of our studies, it also provides an opportunity to observe how researchers persevere through these restrictions and utilize cutting edge technology to their advantage, giving me a unique perspective of the demands and resourcefulness required of individuals in the medical field.

Additionally, receiving this grant gave me the opportunity to move from my home state of Michigan to North Carolina and train as a part of the Davidson Swim and Dive team while continuing my research full-time. With the current guidelines and restrictions in Michigan, I was unable to train for about 3 months before moving down to Davidson. Now that I’m back on campus, I’ve been extremely happy to get back to training for our upcoming (hopefully) 2021 season!

Survivor-themed Networking, Resume Reviews, & Employer Visits for the Davidson College Swim Team

Survivor-themed networking, resume reviews, & employer visits, are just to name a few of the career opportunities, the Davidson College Swim Team took part in over winter break as part of the Career Advantage program. Emily Bassett (‘20) and Frances Resweber (‘20) tell us more about their experience in Fort Lauderdale.

Over winter break on the Swimming and Diving team’s annual training trip, we had the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities organized by Davidson’s Career Center that were geared toward some of our long-term career goals.

In the past, our training trip has always been heavily swim- or dive-driven: two practices a day for up to ten days in a row. With the exception of some beach down-time in between practices each day, we fell into the usual rhythm of eat, sleep, swim/dive. As seniors this year, however, we realized that our training trips would look a little different as we used our extra time to search for jobs, complete applications, or make some finishing touches on our resumés.

Thankfully, Josh King from the Career Center joined us in Florida this year to help us navigate this process. Josh organized several events to help not just the seniors, but everyone on the team begin to brainstorm and make steps toward our future career goals.

The first of these events was a Survivor-themed networking event for the entire team. Just like the reality TV show, we went through several competitive rounds of learning how to ask and respond to questions that we might encounter in a real networking event or an interview. After each round, we voted for the best networker on the island, culminating in a final round with a jury that consisted of former contestants. This was such a valuable event for our team because we had the opportunity to learn and practice networking skills that will prove to be valuable for the rest of our lives as we move beyond Davidson in a familiar setting with our teammates.

Some of the questions forced us to think critically about how our lifestyle and skills we’ve acquired as collegiate athletes will benefit us as employees. Throughout most of our time at Davidson, we’ve simply gone through the motions without much forethought on how this type of lifestyle will be advantageous to us after our undergraduate experience. We’ve realized that practicing morning and afternoon, amounting to about twenty hours per week, has turned us into advanced time managers. During practice or competition, we’ve learned how to be resilient and how to move on from a practice or race that doesn’t go our way. Finally, being an athlete at Davidson has taught us the value in communicating with our coaches, teammates, and professors that will translate well to our positions as co-workers.

In addition to the networking event, we had the opportunity to meet with Josh individually to review our resumés. Josh also scheduled three visits catered toward our team’s most popular career interests: a local non-profit (KID), Miami University’s School of Law, and Miami University’s School of Medicine.

About twenty members of the team took advantage of the opportunity to learn more about Kids in Distress (KID) and volunteer their time at the non-profit. KID is committed to providing support to abused children, providing counseling to parents in an attempt to preserve families, offering childcare and after-school care to children on a daily basis, and even has a foster care system on site. The swimmers and divers, along with head coach John Young, who volunteered at the non-profit were able to either work directly with children enrolled in their preschool or help to organize their warehouse which was full of toy donations for the holidays. Getting an inside look at the facility and the work that goes into running a successful non-profit, including the variety of ways you can take a career in the non-profit sector, was an eye-opening experience.

Other informative events that Josh organized included a trip to Miami University’s School of Law and their School of Medicine. Josh traveled with the team members to both an info session and tour of the respective campuses. During the visits, we got an inside look into what the school’s admissions offices are looking for by personally hearing from admissions officials. Gaining this face time with high up graduate school officials was invaluable, and the information they had to share will undoubtedly prove useful when the time comes to fill out applications to professional schools post-Davidson. Finally, receiving tours from current medical and law school students gave each of us the valuable perspective of current students and an understanding what going through these programs will really mean. Learning from students going through the med/law school process was one of the most meaningful parts of the trip to everyone who attended one of these graduate school visits.

The Swimming and Diving Team is very grateful to the Career Center and the unique opportunities they provided for us on this trip. We hope that our teammates will get to continue this experience for years to come!

Emily Bassett (‘20) and Frances Resweber (‘20)

Eli Abernethy – DIF Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University

This blog was written by Eli Abernethy ’19, 2019-2020 Davidson Impact Fellow for Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University.

It is hard to capture in such a short reflection the extent to which I have enjoyed my time as an ethics fellow at the Winship Institute. The fellowship has exposed me to a broad range of bright and driven people within the Emory community, many of whom I collaborate with each day. These include clinical researchers, nurses, residents, pharmacologists, radiologists, oncologists, and patients themselves. These interactions have been formative on their own: I have grown more comfortable working in a fast-paced setting and collaborating with others, regardless of their position or rank in the medical field.
Moreover, the fellowship has provided me with empirical ethics research experience on multiple topics while also offering an equal amount of time observing the characteristics of what good clinical practice looks like. This has provided me with a tremendous amount to learn (and hopefully one day emulate).

Most of our work involves exploring ethical issues in cancer care, and this involves interviewing both doctors and patients. Speaking with both groups is extremely interesting. We hear from experienced and renowned oncologists about how they practice medicine and the characteristics they find most important for a strong relationship with their patients. Interviewing patients allows for them to reflect on their condition and attitude towards their treatment plan, while we have the honor of hearing just a small part of their life story and witnessing their strength. Moreover, the time spent with both doctors and patients has allowed me to better appreciate the complexities of the doctor-patient relationship, namely by giving me opportunities to study the relationship from both perspectives.

Overall, the fellowship has provided me with an excellent foundation of medical ethics and an appreciation for the importance of patient advocacy. I look forward to the rest of my time here and continuing to advocate for positive changes in cancer care in a clinical setting, however small they may be.

Study Abroad Spotlight: Alex Soltany ’18

Photo of Mwandi Mission Hospital with ambulance out front

Imagine you’re about to give birth to a beautiful baby. But for some reason you aren’t given an epidural, a common practice to relieve labor pains in the United States. You’re contracting, but oddly the doctor is nowhere to be found—there’s just a single nurse who’s dividing her time in half between yelling at you to push harder and thrusting down forcefully on your abdomen. And when you finally perform the miracle of life and are holding your little one in your arms, the nurse informs you that you’ve got six hours to leave the hospital. Now, imagine that this hypothetical scenario I just described wasn’t a hypothetical scenario at all but instead an accurate portrayal of childbearing in the sub-Saharan African country of Zambia.

For seventeen years, Davidson’s very own Professor of Biology and Associate Dean of Faculty, Dr. Verna Case, has been providing students with a summer experience that both highlights the bleak inequalities of rural Zambian healthcare delivery and exposes them to the vibrant culture and deep-rooted traditions of the Lozi people. This past summer, I was lucky enough to join Dr. Case and eight other Davidson pre-medical students on their journey to Mwandi, Zambia. This four-week program, which culminates in a fall semester course back on campus, allows students to spend three weeks interning at the local Mwandi Mission Hospital, doing everything from shadowing doctors and clinical officers to ensuring newborns are properly vaccinated at the Maternal & Child Health clinic to even assisting the antiretroviral treatment (ART) clinic with their outreach efforts distributing medication throughout the African bush. Weekend activities included performing devotionals at the Orphan & Vulnerable Child (OVC) program, meeting with well-respected traditional healers, and interviewing Mwandi residents about their healthcare practices, all designed to help us better understand the relationship between the hospital and the surrounding community.Davidson Senior Alex Soltany stands in front of the Mwandi Mission Hospital alongside doctors during his study abroad experience.

As Americans often do, it was tempting to simplify the situation—to look at the low stock of drugs, the burgeoning Zambian tariffs on electricity, the low doctor-patient ratio—and assert that the hospital’s many issues could be easily solved by throwing more money at it. But after a few weeks on the job, there were too many other factors to consider. What contributed to the palpable apathy of the healthcare staff? Why did patients insist on visiting the traditional healer before seeking treatment at the hospital? And what happens to patient files when they enter the void that is the “Records Room?”

For a large portion of our time in Mwandi, we were accompanied by Dr. Angela Stephens, an OB/GYN resident at the Medical College of Georgia. During her short time at the hospital, Dr. Stephens executed a number of deliveries and shared obstetrics-related information with us and the hospital nurses. But it was only when she left, and I was staring down at a baby’s head helplessly tangled with the umbilical cord, fighting to join our world, that I became aware of how much we take our American healthcare system for granted.


Alex Soltany, Davidson Class of 2018
Alex Soltany ’18

Up Close with Cigna’s Managed Care Rotational Program


Cigna’s Managed Care Rotational Program (MCRP) allows high-potential individuals to rotate throughout Cigna’s Medicare Advantage (MA) business in three rotations over the course of twelve months, getting exposure to the business model and senior leadership before placement in a permanent role.

When looking for a position post-Davidson, Cigna and the MCRP stood out to me for a few reasons. I was interested in the Healthcare industry, but was worried about getting lost in the shuffle of a large company. Cigna, though a large international presence, has a strong emphasis on personal and professional development. Further, the MCRP provides the opportunity and resources to focus on this development throughout the year-long program. For example, the Chicago-based MCRPs had regular lunches with the Chief Operating Officer of Illinois Medicare Advantage to discuss professional growth and learning opportunities.

Additionally, I did not want to immediately pin myself down to one area of the business; the MCRP is tailored to providing exposure to several critical departments in the company and finding what best suits your interests, skills, and areas for growth.

My experience in the program has been influential on my career path. I found my current role through projects I worked on in my last rotation and the managers and mentors I worked with have continued to be resources for advice and support post-program. I look forward to continuing to learn and develop professionally in my new position and am grateful for the opportunities and support the program has provided for me at Cigna.

Seniors interested in learning more about the Cigna MCRP should attend the Information & Networking Session and/or participate in the Coffee Chats on September 13.  Applications are due September 15.

Meera Goswitz ’15 graduated from the MCRP in June of 2016 alongside fellow 2015 Davidson Classmate, Benjamin Arkin. 2016 Davidson graduates Catherine Wu and Meron Fessehaye entered the program in July of 2016.

Huron Consulting Group: A New (to Davidson) Name in Consulting

huron logo

Huron Consulting Group stands out as one of the fastest growing financial and operational consulting firms in the industry, serving clients in the healthcare, education, legal, life sciences, and business advisory sectors. The Davidson-Huron relationship began with the Healthcare practice in 2014-15 when we shared their summer internship opportunity. After a successful first run with Haley Rhodes ’16 during the summer of 2015, Huron Healthcare is back! This time, the practice is recruiting for their full-time Consulting Analyst positions.

In an effort to help Davison students get better acquainted with the practice, we connected with current recruiting coordinator, Megan Krizmanich. Megan began her career with Huron after graduating from The University of Notre Dame and served three years as a consultant before transitioning to her current role. Students will have the opportunity to meet Megan on-campus Monday, September 21 for an information session at 7:30pm in Alvarez 209. She will also be conducting one-on-one informational interviews on Tuesday, September 22 – limited space is available for these interviews.  The deadline for the full-time Huron Healthcare Consulting Analyst position is September 30.

We also reached out to Haley Rhodes ’16 to learn about her experience with the summer internship program. Haley, a graduating senior double majoring in Public Health and Hispanic Studies, spent some time speaking with CCD Employer Relations Ambassador, Chelsea Alexander ’18.

Read on for portions of our Q&As with Megan and Haley to learn more about Huron Consulting Group. We hope to see you in-person Monday at 7:30pm in Alvarez 209.


CCD: What drew you personally to the Healthcare Consulting role when you started at Huron? 

Megan Krizmanich: I started my undergraduate studies confident I was going to medical school, but I quickly changed my mind after standing in on my first surgery… I was still very passionate about the healthcare industry, but wanted to focus more on the business side.  Huron Healthcare fit the mold and after I met with people at the firm, I was sold!


CCD: How would you describe Huron’s work environment to someone who doesn’t know?

Haley Rhodes: A lot like Davidson culture. Collaborative. Immediately the team wanted me to succeed. They gave me a lot of responsibility from the first day and allowed me to do hospital unit observations on my own in the hospital once they knew I was comfortable. It gave me a lot of confidence. My teammates would say, “Come sit next to me, I’ll teach you how to do this analysis in Excel and whenever you have a question just ask.” I also had a development meeting every week with my supervisor where she would ask what I wanted to learn and what things I had done that I really enjoyed.


CCD: What did an average workday look like for you in the internship?

Haley: Monday and Thursday were travel days. I would wake up and go to the airport—a lot of the team traveling from Chicago would go on a plane together, then work out of the team room in our hotel. Then, we would do observations in the hospital and go on rounds or be in the team room doing projects, doing analyses or talking with our client counterparts. Other days, we would work at the hospital—leave from the hotel, go to the hospital, and work in the corporate room of the hospital and talk and lead trainings or conduct observations.


CCD: What is a common mistake you see candidates make during the application process?

Megan: Candidates tend to get caught up in selling themselves and can come across insincere.  Recognize that recruiting is a two way street; it is a chance for employers to learn more about your background, but at the same time it is a chance for you to learn more about companies and determine if it is a fit for you too.


CCD: Aside from academic experience, is there anything you particularly look for on a resume?  

Megan: Extracurricular; being involved at school, in your community, during the summer, etc.  A big challenge in consulting is time management.  If you are involved in extracurricular and successful in school, it clearly demonstrates that you already possess time management skills.


CCD: What advice would you give other Davidson students interested in applying to Huron?

Haley: I recommend reaching out to people at the firm to understand what it is like to be a consultant because the lifestyle is one to consider. I would also suggest practicing and honing organizational and quantitative skills, being comfortable with numbers and analysis, and taking initiative because I think doing that helped me to stand out.








Get to Know the Center for Career Development

2015 Center for Career Development Staff
2015 Center for Career Development Staff

Welcome back!  While we enjoyed a little break this summer, we are excited that campus is back to normal.  We took advantage of the quiet to do a little restructuring, plan some programming, connect with new employers, and just a few other things.  So, meet our staff and some of the great resources in the Center for Career Development!

Nathan Elton, Director
Nathan Elton, Director

Nathan’s Favorite CCD Resource: Davidson Career Advisor Network (DCAN) Some of the most common career advice you will hear is to talk to professionals in potential or identified career areas of interest.  Through DCAN there are over 800 Davidson alumni and parents who have signed up to share career advice, look over your resume, or prepare you for an upcoming interview.  Jobs and internships can be tough to land, but by using these connections you will know more about career fields that match your interests and abilities, and be better prepared for securing a position.

Jamie Johnson, Associate Director for Career Development
Jamie Johnson, Associate Director for Career Development

Jamie’s Favorite CCD Resource: Myers Briggs Type Indicator All of us have uniquely different personalities. The MBTI assessment will help give you a better understanding of your own personality, such as what energizes you or how you make career decisions. The assessment will also assist you in better understanding the people around you, whether they be at school, work or home. To take the MBTI, please contact our office at 704-894-2132 to set up an appointment to meet with a Career advisor.


Jeff Kniple, Associate Director for Employer Relations
Jeff Kniple, Associate Director for Employer Relations

Jeff’s Favorite CCD Resource: Information sessions are the place to make a personal connection with employers in advance of an application or interview.  They are the easiest place to make an impression with key staff members, to learn about how companies market themselves, and to learn other information that can be helpful in a cover letter or interview.  For internship and job seekers they are essential to the process.



Tiffany Waddell, Assistant Director for Career Development

Tiffany’s Favorite CCD Resource: Workshops and Programs The CCD offers workshops and events on a variety of topics for students throughout the academic year.  From getting started with LinkedIn and learning how network with Davidson alumni and other professionals, to penning the perfect resume – check out WildcatLink to learn more about what workshops are available to you this year and RSVP today!



Sarah Williams '11, Assistant Director for Alumni & Parent Engagement
Sarah Williams ’11, Assistant Director for Alumni & Parent Engagement

Sarah’s Favorite CCD Resource: WildcatLink is the best resource for accessing Davidson-specific career opportunities and resources. It is an online portal where you can apply to jobs and internships, sign up for job shadowing opportunities, and register for career-related events and programs. If you haven’t already, you will soon become very familiar with WildcatLink!




Jamie Stamey, Assistant Director for Internships
Jamie Stamey, Assistant Director for Internships

Jamie’s Favorite CCD Resource: InterviewStream is a great tool to help you prepare for upcoming interviews.  Record a video of yourself answering industry specific questions.  Then, critique yourself or share with a mentor to get their feedback.  You know what they say about practice!  You might also see this pop up in some of you Davidson-sponsored program applications, like Job Shadowing and the #DavidsonIE Internship Program.


Kate Falconi '08, Assistant Director for Employer Relations
Kate Falconi ’08, Assistant Director for Employer Relations

Kate’s Favorite CCD Resource: Vault Think of this as a huge online library of career and industry guides to help you learn about jobs and career fields, and make sure you are ready for interviews.  It also includes rankings of employers in 20 different industries, such as advertising, PR, media, banking and consulting.




Julie Lucas, Office Manager
Julie Lucas, Office Manager

Julie’s Favorite CCD Resource: It’s easy to schedule an appointment to meet with one of our advisors.  Stop by the office or call 704-894-2132. Appointments are available from 9-12:00 and 1:30-5:00.  For quick questions, we also offer daily walk-in times M-TH 10:00-12:00 and M-F 1:30-3:30.




Logan Myers, Career Adviser
Logan Myers, Career Advisor

Logan’s Favorite CCD Resource: Davidson’s LinkedIn Landing Page and LinkedIn Networking Group Want to learn what 11,000 alumni are doing based on their major, where they live, what they do and where they work?  Davidson’s LinkedIn Landing page is an easily searchable system to learn about alumni based on these and other criteria.  Want to interact with alumni in LinkedIn?  Check out the Davidson College Network Group, where you can send messages to over 6,000 alumni.