Get “Linked In” With Your Future

By Paul Van Peursem, Career Services Ambassador

LinkedIn has always been somewhat of an enigma within the adolescent and young adult groups, typically seen as the “other” social networking tool or only for “grown-ups.” However, you shouldn’t brush this networking tool off as either irrelevant or daunting. Although it cannot guarantee a job offer, LinkedIn can help facilitate the job search through group discussions & forums, connections with co-workers and peers, and  provide a positive web presence.

Whether based around a company, university, interest or location, groups provide a forum for participants to share news and, most importantly, job references. By joining groups, you give yourself the advantage of hearing about jobs – either in your group’s industry, location, or at your school! Instead of fostering a competitive atmosphere between job seekers, all of the LinkedIn groups I have been a part of were a place for employed members to help out the job searchers. Especially if a group is connected by a common interest or location, members want to see other fellow members succeed in their job career.

Co-worker Connections
If you have the chance, “link-in” (connect) with your fellow co-workers. Although they may not be potential employers, they can send job opportunities your way, grow your network of friends, and provide recommendations. LinkedIn allows people to “recommend” your work; so those you have worked with, or for, can comment on one of your positions with praise for your character, work ethic, etc. They are the ones who actually know your job skills and can provide a legitimate reference when future employers are checking your job history. If you have a close relationship with your boss, be sure to ask for a recommendation – even a sentence or two of praise could go a long way. Also, as you gain more and more connections, you are more easily searchable within the LinkedIn database.

Web Presence
Most importantly, with the proliferation of Facebook and Twitter, it is essential that young adults have a positive image projected on the web. I have heard countless stories of employers ‘googling’ potential hires and what better place to steer them than LinkedIn (and away from Facebook!) Keeping your page updated and professional, although similar to your resume, illustrates that you care about your professional success and that you are able to present yourself well. Using the recommendation tool and filling your profile with responsibilities or skills lets you go beyond what could otherwise fit on a one-page resume.

I was highly skeptical when I first joined LinkedIn, but the help it’s provided in job searching and networking with senior executives has convinced me that it is essential for any college student looking to join the professional world.

Iris Leung, Class of ’12, Talks About Her Internships and Job Search

Iris Leung
Major: History    Minor: Chinese
Davidson Class: May 2012

What internships have you had while you have been at Davidson?
During my freshman summer, I interned at the American Museum of Natural History in New York, assisting the museum’s Education Department in creating and leading interactive tours for summer camp visitors. I also translated their “Journey to the Stars” planetarium show from English to Chinese.  The following summer I taught English in Xian, China to kindergarteners using bilingual classroom exercises, drama performances, and songs.  During my junior summer, I interned with Emanate PR, a public relations firm that specializes in consumer, healthcare, and business communications. Not only did I create a business pitch proposal for a mock client, I also assisted in a product launch, blogged for the company website, and helped facilitate a social media contest for one of our products.

What are your plans after graduating this May?
After graduating in May, I will begin my first job as an Account Associate at Emanate PR—the public relations firm where I interned during my junior summer.

How did you find your internship?
To find my internship my junior year, I talked with my career counselor who suggested I use a variety of measures for seeking opportunities, such as LinkedIn and Alenda Links (our Davidson alumni networking system), as well as word of mouth.  She explained that by proactively demonstrating interest and seeking advice from alumni, professors, and even family friends, they could provide me with great tips on finding an internship. I connected with an alumna who recognized my great interest in the PR field and recommended me to the HR Director of the firm as an intern candidate, where I landed the internship and ultimately my full-time job.

What resources in Career Services have helped you the most?
Two resources that were helpful to me in Career Services were, first, the one-on-one sessions with career counselors who showed a genuine interest in helping students find not only jobs, but careers that match their passions and strengths. I did not know what I wanted to pursue when I first started my search, but after I listed my interests and  described my ideal workplace, my counselor helped me narrow down a list that allowed me to realize my dream job.

Second, the annual Etiquette Dinner was extremely useful. Since all Davidson students will undoubtedly have meetings or job interviews over meals in the future, this experience really helped me sharpen my table etiquette as well as the necessary communication skills for such stressful situations.

What other resource has helped you with internship searches?
A resource that helped me learn about opportunities is, surprisingly, Google. While students may know what they are capable of and interested in doing, many do not know what is available. When I wanted an internship that allowed me to interact with many people while constantly learning, I ran Internet searches seeking names of museums to get me started. I would never have been able to work at my favorite museum where it not for Google.

What advice do you have for fellow students?
If you know what you want, don’t be afraid to search online for something related, but more exciting. We’re Davidson students—the world is our oyster!

LinkedIn Boot Camp

Career Services advisors promote LinkedIn every day during our meetings with students.  The reason? There are close to 8,000 Davidson alumni and student actively using the social networking site and it is one of the most effective tools out there for connecting with professionals who can advise you on a job search or open the doors to an organization.

Business Week put together a great intro to LinkedIn that will provide you with a nice overview of the site and the tools you would use to effectively build your personal brand and connect with individuals throughout the world.  Check it out!

Use LinkedIn to Find Federal Jobs

Using LinkedIn to narrow down hires for the federal government? It’s true, with the introduction of LinkedIn’s two new tools, Skills and Similar Profiles.  Both federal government websites and  LinkedIn use algorithms to highlight individuals based on their talent, influence and expertise.

When seeking jobs on LinkedIn, include a “robust” LinkedIn profile, with many contacts and recommendations, a portfolio and links to your work, and provide an interesting introduction with keywords applicable to your relevant field, with a long bulleted list of specialties.  Your “profile” then stands out to employers, and gets noticed – to federal recruiters, as well as recruiters from corporate and nonprofit organizations.

Users look at groups that are within their particular field. Frequent postings on LinkedIn will move your name up higher in the search engine rankings. Hiring managers can then “notice” you, make contact, and refer you to appropriate federal application processes, all while keeping you in mind for positions that are open.  Find out more by reading Key Words in Social Media: A New Way to Find Top Talent.

Get Started on LinkedIn

Over 7,100 Davidson alumni and students are using LinkedIn and it is one of the most powerful tools you will use to connect with individuals who can provide advice and potentially open doors to future internship and job opportunities.  

Click here to get started on your account today!  

A couple of quick “getting started” tips:
– Connect with your Davidson classmates, family members and friends first.  Check out the profiles of some of the more seasoned LinkedIn users for guidance on creating your own profile.
– Join the “Davidson College Network” group.  It is a thriving community and membership in the group will help you meet interesting people.
– Use the “Advanced Search” function on the top, righthand  corner of the LinkedIn site to locate alumni who are working in specific career fields and geographical areas. 

Stop by Career Services for additional assistance.  The Career Services staff are on LinkedIn everyday and we would be happy to show you around the site!


Preparing Your Consulting Job Applications!

We have entered the first round of consulting position  recruiting!  Most position applications will require you to submit your  resume, a company specific cover letter and your unofficial transcript.
Don’t underestimate the time it will take to update your resume and write your cover letters!  They will be read closely by recruiters and should be error free and tailored for specific positions.
How do you stand out????
Seek feedback on your resume and cover letters  from at least three people in consulting  (alumni, career services staff, parents)
1) Check out Consulting/Management Resume and Cover Letter Templates on the Consulting page of the Career Services website
2) Use Your Career Services Staff: Available during walk-in hours – M-F, 1:30 – 3:30 pm and by appointment
3) Tap into Alumni Contacts who can provide consulting field specific advice
What about your Unofficial Transcript?
Stop by the Registrar’s office.  They can convert your transcript into a PDF and email it to you.  From there you can upload it into the “Documents” section of your WildcatLink account to submit and submit it with the rest of your application materials.

Exploring Opportunities through Arts North Carolina

Interested in an internship or full-time position related to the arts in North Carolina?  Meet Arts North Carolina.  Arts North Carolina is North Carolina’s statewide advocacy organization for the arts.  They call for equity and access to the arts for all North Carolinians, aim to unify and connect North Carolina’s arts communities, and foster arts leadership.  They maintain a list of job opportunities related to the arts in NC as well as a helpful comprehensive list of their member organizations, which include theatres, museums, art councils, dance companies and more.  This list of member organizations is a great place to start exploring arts organizations that may offer summer internships or entry-level jobs.

If you’re interested in some of these or other NC arts organizations and are interested in pursuing an internship or full-time employment offer with them, make an appointment with one of our advisers to explore approaches.  We can coach you through the process of attempting to get in the door as a volunteer and/or intern, including helping you search for any Davidson alumni who may work there by using Alenda Links or LinkedIn.