Road Trip to Atlanta for the LSAC Law School Recruitment Forum!

On Saturday, November 5 LSAC is holding a Law School Recruitment Forum in Atlanta from 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.  Over 100 law schools will be in attendance – including many that will not be attending Davidson’s Law School Fair on November 3.  The forum will also offer the opportunity to attend a number of law school admissions workshops on:
– The Application Process
– The LSAT
– Diversity in Law School
– Financing a Legal Education
– What Lawyers Do

This is a great event for juniors and seniors who are considering law school or currently in the admissions process!


LSAC – Your Most Important Law School Resource

Whether you are exploring law school as a future goal or about to enter into the application, the Law School Admissions Council (LSAC) will be your most important resource.  You will use LSAC to prepare for and take the LSAT, which is a standardized test that is an integral part of the law school admissions process.  The LSAC website is also the place where you can research law schools, manage your applications, learn about financial aid options and explore specific diversity resources.