Brillo Boxes and Campbell Soup: A Summer Experience at the Andy Warhol Museum

By McKenzie Roese, Career Services Ambassador

Claire Ittner '13 and one of the talented artists she met at the Andy Warhol Museum

Interested in art and its history? Looking to do something this summer outside the box that will get you hands-on experience in the art field? If this applies to you at all, then consider interning in the field of art management. It’s an experience that’s made a lasting impression on Claire Ittner ’13.

Being an English and Art History double major, Ittner has always been interested in learning about art culture and developing a better understanding of art and museum management. This past summer, she got the opportunity of a lifetime when she interned at the Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania as their curatorial intern. She worked directly with both the Curator and Director’s office to receive a truly intimate understanding of the inner-workings of organizing and running a museum. While I chatted with her about her internship search, she reflected back stating, “I wanted to get some exposure to the curatorial side of the art world to see if that was a field I wanted to pursue long-term.” Fortunately, the Warhol gallery position provided the needed insight into museum work culture.

Claire poses with another artist and his work at the Warhol Museum

In terms of her day-to-day experience, the Warhol never ceased to keep her on her toes.
Her work would greatly depend on what events were happening at the Warhol at any given time. For her first month she helped prepare for the Warhol’s first-ever off-site exhibition. Reflecting on the experience, Ittner recalls: “I spent a lot of time at the beginning communicating with them, ordering materials for those who were international, checking on framing, etc. I helped with the install as well, which was really cool, because I was working literally next to the artists, handling their work. They were fantastic and explained their process and why it was that they made the piece they did.”

Ittner’s experience provided her with great insight into not only museum work, but also the field of art management – an experience that will help shape her long-term career pursuits in the art world. Plus, she also highlighted “It was quite fun to work with so many young, forward-thinking people!” So if you feel the urge to experience the art world this summer, the Andy Warhol Museum might just be the place for you.

Pursuit of Happiness: Now Possible with Career Services

By Alexa King, Career Services Ambassador

What is my purpose here on earth? Am I destined to save the world through an amazing invention that will protect the environment or will I become a teacher like my mother, and make a difference in children’s lives?

The other day, while reading Kay Hymowitz’s book “Manning Up,” I began pondering some of these daunting questions. While she makes some interesting as well as alarming points about the future of society and gender relations, Hymowitz also reaffirms a reality for many of today’s American college students. Upon graduation, we will enter into a market place that is vastly different from that of our parents; while outlooks for the economy are somewhat negative, the career options are endless as opposed to decades ago when graduates chose from medicine, law, journalism, or other stable careers.

With a “knowledge economy” our options today seem to be limitless, as long as we are willing to get out there and create them, like Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, or Sara Blakely, the creator of Spanx. We too can have many of our dreams come true. As Hymowitz notes, we now have more time to explore and discover who we are. We want jobs that add meaning and purpose to our lives that align with our values and beliefs, whether that means working in environmental sustainability or private investment management. While some of us know exactly how we can pursue these dreams, the rest of us need some guidance.

Career Services offers a variety of tests and resources that can elucidate potential jobs and careers. Prior to coming to Davidson, I believed that my only career options were to either become a doctor or a lawyer; I had never considered becoming the director of sustainability for a corporation or even a public relations manager. Thanks to my visits to Career Services, I have taken a few exams that have given me more insight into the best career types for me. Here is a link to three great resources, – the Strong Interest Inventory (SII) (see a career advisor), FOCUS-2 (password is “wildcat”) , and SkillScan – that you can use to get started on the path to unlocking your greatness.