The Power of the Davidson Career Advisor Network (DCAN)

By Shaw Hipsher ’03

I have thoroughly enjoyed utilizing the Davidson Career Advisor Network as both an advisee and an advisor. As a ‘03 alumna, serving as an advisor gave me the opportunity to get to know a freshly graduated alumna (2018), learn about her Davidson journey, and hear about her current goals. Making introductions and connections to people (many of them also Davidson alumni) who might be able to offer her information, resources, or opportunities related to her goals was a joy. Braving the awkward space to have a conversation with a stranger sometimes takes a little reassurance and support— especially the first couple of times— and a warm introduction can make all the difference. It was a pleasure to provide those introductions. Moving to the other side of the table and receiving advice from a fellow alumna has been really helpful as well. From a critique of my LinkedIn profile to getting a fresh perspective on how to present experience when moving between sectors, I thoroughly enjoyed my conversation and follow-ups with my alumna advisor. Her solid support, sharp focus, and prompt follow-through reminded me of just how special it is to be a member of the Davidson family.

DCAN provides a unique opportunity to grow your Davidson circles outside of local networking opportunities. For example, my advisor is in California and I am in Charlotte so I got to meet someone I might never have otherwise. My advisee was in Charlotte, but she’s wanting to move to DC, a city where I have lived, and I was able to make several introductions there to help her grow her network before she moves. The job market is a fast-paced, competitive environment that can feel overwhelming and impersonal. Resources like DCAN can bring humanity and personalness back to the experience of launching (or relaunching) your career or job search. I highly recommend creating an account and giving it a go as an advisor, advisee, or both.   

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