The FBI Recruits at Davidson for Internship and Full-Time Opportunities

Yesterday Special Agent Newsom Summerlin, the applicant coordinator for the Charlotte division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), came to Davidson and gave an information session about the  potential internship and job opportunities with the FBI. The FBI has been serving the USA for over 100 years and works to protect and defend the country as well as serving as the USA’s central criminal investigation and domestic intelligence agency. It is currently focused on combatting counterterrorism, counterintelligence and cyber attacks against the USA.

The FBI is broken down into Special Agents (39%) and Professional Staff (61%). Special Agents go through extensive training and can be placed all over the country and the world to work on their assigned projects, whereas the Professional Staff is more stationary and includes employees in analytics, lab sciences, linguistics, computer science, human resources and more. Agent Summerlin highlighted that if you are interested in working for the FBI, there is a career for you and your interests. Agent Summerlin also emphasized the FBI’s specific need for employees who have a background in computer science and could work against cyber threats.

To view job and internship opportunities at the FBI, visit Top secret clearances are required and all employees must be official US citizens. The summer internship program is open to juniors and seniors only, with an application deadline TBA in October. Internships are available all over the country, and interns must commit to 10 40-hour work weeks. Agent Summerlin urges students to apply to only one field office or to FBI headquarters in Washington DC, or else the application(s) will be removed from consideration.

For more information about the FBI, visit Thank you to Newsom Summerlin for taking the time to come to Davidson and talk to our students!

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