Job Shadowing Externship Program

The opportunity to apply for the annual Job Shadowing Externship Program is upon us. I’ll lay out the pertinent information and dates so that you are best prepared to apply and succeed within the program.

What is it?

The Davidson Job Shadowing Externship Program provides one-day and multi-day shadowing opportunities for students to shadow professionals (many of whom are alumni and parents) in an industry of interest. Last year’s program had students shadowing in Communications, Media, Marketing, Education, Banking, Finance, Healthcare, Consulting, Public Policy, Law, and various other sectors. No matter what your major is at Davidson, there is an opportunity available within in the program for you.

Shadowing experiences are available across the United States and around the globe. Wherever you are headed this summer, you can find an opportunity near you. If students must travel and stay multiple nights, there are even homestay and funding opportunities available.

Information sessions will be hosted to provide more details about the program. As will be mentioned later, all interested applicants must attend at least one of the Job Shadowing Information Sessions on:

March 2 at 11:05 am in Room 313 of the Union

March 13 at 4:30 pm in Room 209 of the Union

March 14 at 11:05 am in Room 408 of the Union

The Experience

Last year 141 students participated in 195 unique shadowing experiences. 57% of the participants were underclassmen while 43% were upperclassmen. For younger students, it is a great opportunity to get your head in the door in an industry, and to see if that career path is the one for you. An interesting and stimulating experience in the workplace may guide the rest of your time at Davidson. For older students, the program is a very real day in the life experience of what work in a chosen field will be after graduation. Regardless of year, the program offers invaluable networking experiences and insights into potential careers.

Previous students have thoroughly enjoyed the program; 98% of last year’s participants would recommend job shadowing to a friend. A student, who graduated last year and reflected on her job shadowing experience via blog, left this advice to perspective students:

“So I end with an urgent message to Davidson underclassmen: please, if you do anything during your career search, USE THIS PROGRAM. You will learn so much. You will meet people willing to help you in your journey. And you will finally have a few answers in your pocket when someone asks that dreadful question “so what are you going to do with that major?” Oh, let me tell you.”” 

If you would like to read this student’s full experience, it can be found here.

The Application

In order to apply for the program, students must attend one of the aforementioned information sessions. Attendance at one of these sessions will allow students to access the application via Handshake. Here are the important dates:

March 2, 13, 14: Students must attend an information session in the Student Union.

March 6: Students with Handshake access may begin to fill out and submit the application.

March 19: The deadline for all job shadowing applications.

March 29: Hosts and Students are notified of their job shadowing match.

If you have any questions about the experience or application be sure to ask them in the information session, or stop by the Center for Career Development for a walk-in Monday-Friday from 8:30am-5:00pm.

Learn more:

Pat Morris ’18 is a Political Science major at Davidson.

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