My Moment of Truth

Read about CCD Student Associate Timmy Douglas, and his experience with the Hurt Hub! 

Everybody loves to have money in their pocket, and I do too. For a few years now, I have been obsessed with the idea of financial freedom. In pursuit of this idea, I read a lot of success stories about people who have achieved financial freedom and want to share their journey. A lot of the stories I read involve entrepreneurship, but also about how important it is to control your time and not chase after frivolous things. I would love to own a business one day so I can control my time and spend most of it with the things of real value in my life.

An important aspect of owning a business is networking because the more people you know, the more opportunities you will find. Furthermore, you cannot do anything alone; everybody needs help. As a sophomore in college, I find it hard to make business connections without playing a part, or being somebody that I am not in an interview that puts me in a job I don’t want to be in. Where will I ever find this network?

My Professor, Dr. Martin, had the idea to have his office hours on Wednesday at the Hurt Hub. I was very confused because after being at Davidson for a year, you think you know all the local spots, but I had never heard of this before.

Conveniently, The Hurt Hub was established this year and is a site that is intended to connect local businesses and entrepreneurs with students that are looking to be involved with the business world. Also, the Hurt Hub encourages start-up culture.

I am very thankful that I attended Dr. Martin’s office hours because not only did I learn, but I got to experience the Hub and see the potential it had for my life. Now I can see if my money is where my mouth is. I know that I will be making time to attend the Hub and find out just how helpful it can be! I think the potential is unlimited and I would encourage you to join me in pursuing the Hurt Hub.

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