Representatives from the Citco Group of Companies came to campus to support a range of full-time and internship opportunities at their relatively new but growing Charlotte location.
Citco helps to track the investments and holdings of many types of investment funds to support both the clients and the financial controllers who make the investment decisions on their behalf. At their core they are an accounting firm, but the types of challenges they face daily go well beyond the “vanilla” investment portfolios of many mutual funds. As new types of deals have evolved and investment opportunities have become more complicated, the need for organizations like Citco to bring accuracy and clarity in financial record keeping and transparency to all stakeholders has become essential. As the representatives mentioned a couple times, “Bernie Madoff was very good for our business. “
Accounting is key to their work, but not essential to a student’s training before coming to Citco.
Citco came to Davidson to find the type of student who can learn quickly and handle the complexity of the deals that the company helps to manage. They look for students with either a strong understanding of accounting, or a strong understanding of financial capital markets AND the ability to learn the other side. From Davidson, they believe that our students can see Citco as a place to build a career and stay in multiple roles, or perhaps take the knowledge they gain and go into the management of their own funds, other financial services careers, or greater business endeavors.
The culture of Citco will appeal to many Davidson students as well. With casual attire as the rule, beer and wine after 5:00 in the office, a staff that trends younger than average and a variety of social events throughout the year, the Charlotte office may be a good fit for a new graduate or a summer intern. But with operations in 40 countries, Citco employees may take their work to other offices around the world as well. Look for their positions in WildcatLink and apply soon!