To Thy Own Vine Be True

He greeted us with a big smile as we drove up the dusty, gravel road to the Moshav, Bat Ayin.  We were coming to see the ancient winery ruins and Ferency Winery, owned and operated by Gershon Ferency.  We were a little late and a bit lost, but happy to see the guard wave us through the gate of the Moshav.

We started our tour with a brief walk through the ancient winery.  It was amazing to think as we stood at the entrance of the mikvah, a ceremonial cleansing area, what it might have looked like as they prepared themselves for the making of the wine libations for the Temple in Jerusalem.

After our tour of the ruins, we headed over to “tasting room” for a chance to experience the newly developed wine from the organic vineyard Gershon was developing.  As we enjoyed each sip of the various types of wines, Gershon shared his philosophy of winemaking.  “Usually, vintners mold and craft their vineyards to the type of wine, they hope to produce.  I allow the wine to develop naturally. I want the wine to produce the flavors on its own.”  We noticed his white wine was a bit cloudy, but the taste was wonderful. He explained it was the filtering process and his focus wasn’t on the appearance of the wine. He was more concerned with letting the wine bring out its natural qualities, instead of trying to modify them into “standard commercial product.”  It was a work in progress; he was “allowing” the wine to develop its own flavor.

It reminded me of the career development process.  When we allow ourselves to develop and grow into our own interests, strengths/skills, etc., we are following this principle of developing our “natural qualities.”  We may not look like the clean, clear product that can be typically defined in the world of work, but the results far out weigh the appearance.


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