Staying Sane in the Insanity

itf294081I have worked at Davidson now for exactly 48 days.  In that time,  I have found that the Davidson work ethic that was rumored to me is definitely real.  I actually heard there is a term for this specific time period, “Hell Week” – when everything is due at the same time: papers, projects, research, and more.

In the midst of it all, graduating Seniors are also eyeball deep in the job search process; especially if they are interested in consulting and banking.  But guess what?  It is all manageable.  And as difficult as these few weeks seem, thousands before you have survived the journey and are now living wonderful lives and working in professions that make “hell week” look like a walk in the park – and they love it.

So here are just a few tips to keep your job/internship search on the forefront as you are battling the demons of almost mid-semester:

  1. Come by the Center for Career Development for a walk-in appointment to have your resume reviewed.  It will only take you 15 minutes and you’ll be glad you did it.  Hours can be found on our website.
  2. Organize an application, interview, info session calendar so you don’t miss something you are really interested in.  Set reminders on your phone.  Follow @DavidsonCareers on Twitter for additional reminders.
  3. Don’t have time for a mock interview in the CCD?  Check out the new online interview practice system, InterviewStream.  You can practice at 2am, in your bed, in your pj’s and everyone will be amazed at how much you’ve practiced.
  4. Set goals for networking.  Even if it’s just online networking through LinkedIn or Alenda Links, connecting is important.  Typical rule of thumb…if you don’t know someone at the company, you’re unlikely to get an interview.

With all that said, try to get SOME sleep.  And if that’s just not an option, visit Summit on campus for a little extra caffeine and a relaxing atmosphere to get all that work done.

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