Internship & Job Challenge: Meet Amanda Silver ’15

Amanda Silver '15 and colleague Alex Bearman working at the 2014 Street Soccer USA New York Cup.
Amanda Silver ’15 and colleague Alex Bearman working at the 2014 Street Soccer USA New York Cup.

Amanda Silver ’15 participated in the 2014 Davidson Entrepreneurship Internship Program as an intern with Street Soccer U.S.A.  The internship was shared with Davidson by alumnus Lawrence Cann ’00.  Street Soccer U.S.A, is a hybrid nonprofit / for-profit with a mission to strengthen low income communities and to fight homelessness and poverty through sport. During the summer, the organization hosted a soccer tournament in New York City’s Time Square.

Here are some thoughts from Amanda about her experience.

Q: What originally drew your interest to this particular position?

A: I was originally drawn to Street Soccer USA because it combined my interest in social entrepreneurship with my experience with fundraising and events. After reading the description, I immediately resonated with their mission to use sports to empower homeless and at-risk youth and adults. Street Soccer is an organization dedicated to growing its community and create impact, so I got to see first-hand what it takes to found and run a nonprofit organization.

Q: How did the experience impact your career goals and your next steps?

A: I had an incredible experience, and learned that I want to pursue a career in the nonprofit sector. To me, working for a cause that I am passionate about doesn’t feel like work at all. I came back to campus confident that I can wear many hats, and look forward to learning even more by working with different startups and social ventures in the future.

Q: Can you share one brief story about a specific project, moment, etc. that was particularly impactful?

A: My internship experience culminated in a 4v4 soccer tournament in New York’s Times Square. Our day started at 3:30am to set up the fields, and ended close to 11pm that night, but spirits were high the entire time. All our hard work came to fruition when we put on a successful event. Street Soccer’s founder and president Lawrence Cann ’00 became an incredible role model and mentor throughout my internship experience. His organization embodies teamwork in every way, and I am grateful to have been part of a group of such hardworking individuals.

Current students can view postings for summer internships and entry-level positions presented by Davidson alumni and families for the 2014-2015 Internship & Job Challenge on WildcatLink.

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