Davidson Internship & Job Challenge Updates

2014-15 Davidson Internship & Job Challenge brings a new goal, increased focus

Throughout the 2014-2015 academic year at Davidson, the Center for Career Development has been promoting the fourth annual Internship Challenge.  This year, we not only set our sights on alumni, families and friends to offer quality internship experiences, we also sought supporters to recruit seniors for full-time positions.  For this year’s Internship & Job Challenge, our goal was to post 250 internships and full-time jobs, as well as to raise funds for students who cannot afford to pursue unpaid, high-quality internships.

Learn more about the Internship & Job Challenge on our Details about the Internship & Job Challenge website or contact Jamie Stamey, Assistant Director for Internships, at 704-894-2678 / Send email to Jamie Stamey.

2014-2015 Participants

2014-2015 Summer Internship Grant Donors

2013-2014 Participants


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