Upcoming Education Opportunities

Are you considering work opportunities in the education field? Now is a great time to begin exploring possible teaching options after graduation. Below is a list of education opportunities coming this fall to Davidson College:

September Events

Opportunities in Education and Teaching Workshop
Thursday, September 1 @ 4:30 pm, Union 313

Teach for America (Teach in underserved schools throughout USA)
Information Session: Monday, September 12 @ 7:30 pm in Alvarez 900 Room
Next Application Deadline: Friday, September 16 @ 11:50 PM Through Teach For America website.
Interview Day:  Scheduled by Teach for America

Post-Graduate Fellowships & Service Corps Opportunities Workshop (Learn about teaching domestic or overseas through 1-2 year programs)
Tuesday, September 27 @ 4:00 pm, Union 302

October Events

Carney Sandoe & Associates (Teach or coach in private schools throughout USA)
Information Session: None
Application Deadline: October 14 @ 11:59 PM
Interview Day: October 28

Southern Teachers Agency (Teach or coach in private schools throughout the South)
Information Table: October 26 @ 12:30 – 3:30 PM
Application Deadline: October 26 @ 11:59 PM
Interview Day: November 9

JET – Japan Teaching and Education Program (Teach in Japan)
Information Table: October 26 @ 12:30 – 3:30 PM
Application Deadlines: Early Deadline in Mid-October and Final Deadline in Late November through JET website.

Peace Corps (Teach Worldwide)
Information Table: October 26 @ 12:30 – 3:30 PM
Application Deadline: Rolling Through Peace Corps website.

November Events

Careers in Education Panel
Tuesday, November 1 @ 4:30 pm, Sprinkle Room

NOTE:  Additional Teaching and Education Opportunities available on the Career Services website.

Be sure to log in to WildcatLink for the latest information on educational opportunities.  If you need assistance setting up an account, contact Career Services at 704-894-2132 or email careers@davidson.edu.

Seniors: When Will Most of You Land Job Offers?

By Nathan Elton, Director of Career Services

I am bringing up this point because the recruiting season for the Class of 2012 has already begun.   I can name six or seven of your fellow classmates who have already accepted job offers after their summer internships in the banking industry.  Davidson also has employers in the banking, consulting and business services industries visiting campus over the next few weeks to recruit you for full-time positions.   This early recruitment creates excitement on campus, but I also pick up on some angst as seniors wonder if it is already do or die time for landing a job.

I want to share some data about your classmates from the Class of 2011.  Roughly 65% of the class have or will be entering the world of work while the remaining 35% have entered graduate school, taken time off to travel, or embarked on some other activity.

Of the 65% of graduates from the Class of 2011 who are or will be employed:

– 12.8% accepted job offers during fall semester

– 62.6% accepted job offers during spring semester – mainly in March, April & May

– 24.6% have or will accept job offers after graduation

The seniors who landed jobs in the fall mainly entered the banking, finance, and consulting fields.  This is typical because many of the larger employers in these fields recruit early in the fall.  A much wider range of employers representing areas such as, but not limited to, the arts, nonprofit and social service, public policy, communications, public health, sciences, consulting, finance and business services recruit throughout the year.

So, what does this mean for you?  Some seniors will land jobs this fall (you may be one of them) but there is a good chance that the employer hiring you may not actively begin recruiting until the spring.  Does this mean that you should put off your job search until January?  NO.   

The most successful seniors from last year started their job search in the fall:

– They met multiple times with the Career Services advising staff who partnered with them to develop and implement a job search plan.

– They connected with helpful Davidson alumni and parents who provided information on employers, offered excellent resume writing and interviewing advice, and helped them to meet additional people who were recruiting seniors for jobs.

– They met with employers visiting campus, participated in the SLAC Recruiting Days and applied for jobs in our recruiting system.

– They treated their job search like an additional class – each week they set small, accomplishable goals, which built confidence and allowed them to shine in every stage of the job search process.

Please know that the staff in the Office of Career Services are your friends and partners in the job search process.  We work in this field because we love to see students succeed in developing, implementing and achieving their goals for life after Davidson.  Stop in to see us soon.

Leadership Development & Rotational Programs

Leadership Development Programs and Rotational Programs are are a great fit for the liberal arts student as they allow you to use your skills to solve problems and offer the opportunity to learn about multiple areas of a corporation or to develop a more complex understanding of one particular aspect of a business.  Employers have created these programs to recruit and develop leadership for their organization.

Information on Leadership Development Programs at Fortune 500 companies and smaller organizations can be accessed through the following pages:
The Ultimate Guide to Career Development Programs

Duke University Career Services’ List of Leadership Development and Rotational Programs


Management Consulting -vs- Investment Banking

An interesting read for students considering both investment banking and management consulting paths after Davidson.  Keep in mind that this article is posted on a consulting website, but it seems fairly balanced.  Comments are welcomed from students, alumni and parents who have worked in either or both professions!

LSAC – Your Most Important Law School Resource

Whether you are exploring law school as a future goal or about to enter into the application, the Law School Admissions Council (LSAC) will be your most important resource.  You will use LSAC to prepare for and take the LSAT, which is a standardized test that is an integral part of the law school admissions process.  The LSAC website is also the place where you can research law schools, manage your applications, learn about financial aid options and explore specific diversity resources.

Welcome to Our New Blog!

The Office of Career Services has had a busy summer!  In addition to revamping our website and transitioning to a new career system, WildcatLink, we’re excited to launch this brand-new career blog. Our staff and student peer ambassadors will be busy this semester blogging to keep you informed about all things career-related.

Remember the weekly Career Services newsletters you used to receive?  We’ll be cutting back on the number of e-mails we send the entire student body in an effort to provide you with more specialized and pertinent information relevant to your particular career interests.  In addition to sending all students one e-mail per month with general news and event announcements, we’ll be writing career-specific posts on this blog and e-mailing you monthly summaries of what’s new on the blog in these areas.

Of course, we need a way to know who is interested in what career fields.  This is where you come in!  We need you to log into WildcatLink and update your profile (go to Profile and then the Academic tab), indicating your career fields of interest:  anything from Education to Banking and Finance to Environment and Agriculture.  This is the only way you will receive these specific career announcements.  Note that we will be using these e-mail lists not only to direct you to relevant blog posts, but also to notify you quickly of jobs, internships, fellowships and job-shadowing opportunities in your field(s) of interest.  Whether you are a freshman, a senior or something in between, these updates will have something for you. Don’t delay in signing up for them!

Best wishes for a productive fall semester from all of us at Career Services.  We’ll be in touch!