Senior political science major Denton Baird spent his summer interning at the nonprofit Arlington Street People Assistance Network, or A-SPAN, where he supported efforts to aid the homeless people of Arlington, Virginia. You may have seen Denton around campus as he is the photography editor for the Davidsonian and the Chair of Premier Concerts for the Union Board. Denton found this opportunity through WildcatLink, where it was posted early spring semester. It was posted by Sarah Morse ’08, who shared the internship with Davidson as part of the Davidson Internship Challenge.
Denton was originally brought on to the team to work in A-SPAN’s development office, fundraising, interviewing clients, and working on communications projects. However, the organization soon discovered Denton’s talent for creating websites, so he was also put to work completely revamping and recreating the A-SPAN website.
A-SPAN mainly works with homeless people to improve their quality of life and find them sustainable housing and jobs, but is also involved in many other programs, such as Street Soccer USA. Denton was very active in this soccer program, which aims to end homelessness and encourage social change through playing sports. He was even able to take a trip up to New York to see the National Cup with the program!
This experience confirmed Denton’s desire to continue working with nonprofits after graduation, at the Arlington Street People Assistance Network or elsewhere. If you would like to hear more about Denton’s experience, he would be happy to speak with you; feel free to contact him at To learn more about Arlington Street People Assistance Network, and see the website Denton created from scratch, visit the A-SPAN website.